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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

About Us


Our History

Grace Congregation is a local branch of The Presbyterian Church of Ghana. It is under the Haatso District of the Ga Presbytery. The idea of establishing a Presbyterian church at West Legon, a fast-developing community close to the University of Ghana, was conceived on the relocation of the Thompson Family from Nima to West Legon. Considering the distance and the inconvenience of having to travel to Nima for church services, the Thompson family decided to look for and fellowship with any nearby Presbyterian Church.  Later, one Mr. Sony Quartey who also reside in the neighbourhood, suggested they start a small church instead in the locality. This suggestion dovetailed into a programme that the Nima Presby BSPG has conceived, that is, to establish a church at this fast-growing community. Initially, Mr. Sony Quartey offered a small room at his residence to begin with when the BSPG leadership made up of Mr. Daniel kwasi Ayim, Mr. Isaac Torgbor and Mrs. Comfort Thompson went to meet with him. But later the mantle fell on the Thompson family to offer their garage as a meeting place when the Quarteys’ offer did not materialize.

Inaugural Service

The first official service was held on Sunday, the 5 th of June, 1994 and was attended by six (6) members in the adult service and twelve (12) Children in the Children Service. Two years after this significant milestone (in 1996) the Junior Youth Service also began.

Growth of Grace Congregation

Through evangelism: In January 1994, the idea to officially establish a church at West Legon was discussed with the then Nima District Minister, Rev. Eric Doku, who consented to the suggestion and immediately sent a delegation to conduct feasibility studies.  In May 1994, the Bible Study and Prayer Group (BSPG) led by Mr. Daniel Ayim, Mr. Abbam Tettey and Catechist Juliet Kpentey embarked on a mass evangelism exercise in the area. This evangelism work effectively marked the beginning of the Grace Presby Church at West Legon.
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