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Children’s Service

Children’s Service

The Children’s Service in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana was initiated by Ms. Hogarth and Ms. I. P. Ross, both secretaries to Dr. A. W. Wilkie of the Scottish Mission, on 21st November 1921 at the Ebenezer Congregation, Osu.

The then Minister in charge of the Ebenezer Congregation, Rev L. L. Richter was supportive of this initiative. He charged the Headmaster of the Osu Salem School at the time, Master A. A. Holm (later Reverend Minister), to select overseers for the service and he three teachers on the staff of Osu Salem: Messrs Albert Cleland, E. K. Borbitey and E.M.L. Odjidja. Messrs Albert Cleland and Emmanuel Odjidja later became Ministers of the Gospel in the church. Later, Rev Odjidja progressed to become a Moderator of the Church.

The following five pupils of Osu Salem were also selected as helpers: Mr. Nii Amaa Ollenu, who later became a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ghana and the Speaker of the Second Republican Parliament; Mr. A.K. Tawiah; Mr. J. K Adoteye; Mr. Theodore Lartey and Mr. E.A. Adjei, who also became a Minister of the Gospel in the Church.

These pioneers for the service met weekly and called the meeting “training class” to prepare for the Sunday Service. Through outreach programs launched from Osu in the following years, the Children’s Service spread through the Congregations in the Ga Presbytery. Through various training programs, the Children’s Service Teachers were trained and provided with materials to help them run the services. Today, Children’s Service is available in all Congregations.